Behavox Expands Cloud Archiving Solution


Expansion to Speed and Simplify Search, Analytics and Accessibility Of Enterprise Communications Data 

AWS-hosted and AI-powered Platform Greatly Improves Speed and Accuracy for Data Retrieval of Email, Messaging, Voice Communications and Structured Data to Help Customers Meet Compliance Obligations 

NEW YORK (April 6, 2021) – Behavox, which uses AI to enable enterprises to organize and refine their data into actionable information that protects and promotes business growth, is modernizing data archiving by unifying cost-efficient storage, faster search and stronger data governance into one source of truth for an entire organization.

New enhancements to Behavox Archiving represent the next generation of data archiving by consolidating traditionally disparate functions from various legacy products in the industry, such as discovery, data export and data governance into one comprehensive cloud solution. Built on secure AWS cloud infrastructure, the SOC 2-compliant SaaS solution stores all data in line with SEC Rule 17a-4 on a write once, read many (WORM) basis to ensure its integrity.

Behavox Archiving is a search engine for all enterprise data, providing insights from fast data accessibility to support compliance initiatives, strengthen security and manage risk. This capability…
