Best Practices for Defanging Social Media Phishing Attacks


Social media-based phishing attacks have taken off in a big way.

According to some estimates, social media now accounts for as much as 5% of all phishing attacks globally. When you consider that phishing volume has grown consistently every year for more than a decade (up 40% last year alone), that 5% constitutes a lot of attacks.

This increase is no coincidence. Social media phishing attacks are highly effective, with spear-phishing campaigns seeing much greater open rates when delivered via social media compared to email.

As we explained in the last post, social phishing threats go way beyond the big platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and can include everything from YouTube videos and forum posts to malicious entries on paste sites and job boards.

While techniques and platforms vary, the threat to organizations remains consistent- threat actors have the ability to abuse your brand and trademarks to target your customers, employees, and company assets.

In this post, we’re going to look at some of the key terms and concepts surrounding social media phishing. We’ll also cover some best practices you can incorporate into your cyber risk management program to mitigate…

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