Blog: Open or closed – the branch dilemma facing brokers


As the first working week of self-isolation comes to a close for many, Insurance Age content director Jonathan Swift looks at the stance brokers are taking in terms shutting up shop or keeping their branches open.

Never has the phrase thank ‘expletive’ it’s Friday been more relevant than during these testing times.

Not that we can do much at the weekend due to the lockdown with pubs, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, concert and sporting venues all closed to help curtail the spread of Covid-19.

But at least I for one will get a break from juggling home schooling my daughter whilst trying to work.

Which got me thinking, have the major branch-based brokers closed their doors and if so how they now interacting with customers given that one of their major unique selling points – the office – might now be shut? Regardless of the fact – as the British Insurance Brokers’ Association has pointed out – many would fall under the definition of a ‘key worker’.

Although A-Plan did not respond to specific questions about their activity their website has a useful update published yesterday.

“We really hope that all our clients…

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