Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Names Dawn Perry Chief Risk And Audit Officer


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts today announced that Dawn Perry has been named chief risk and audit officer, senior counsel and senior vice president.

Perry is responsible for strategic enterprise risk management and internal audit, reporting to the audit committee of the board of directors. She also leads the business continuity program and provides legal advice related to potential joint ventures, business partnerships and other collaborations.

“Dawn is an accomplished lawyer who has developed a deep and broad understanding of all aspects of our business,” said Sarah Iselin, Blue Cross’ president and CEO. “The experience and the insights she’s developed since joining Blue Cross make her a perfect fit for this role.”

Perry, who has been with Blue Cross for four years, previously served as the health plan’s vice president and deputy general counsel in its law department. She serves on the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy and board of Bridgewater State University’s Ricciardi College of Business. She holds a law degree from Suffolk University School of Law and a master’s degree from Sawyer Business School…
