Breach Force: Leveraging Speed & Connectivity for Defense + Digital Guardrails for Safe Travel


(MENAFN – PRLog) Improving an organization’s ability to not only defend against current attacks, but also prepare for the evolution and automation of aggression over time requires threat intelligence that is dynamic and proactive.
But the amount of data that needs to be wrangled is daunting. A typical enterprise deals with on average 17,000 alerts per week, of which 96% go uninvestigated due largely to staffing limitations. Moreover, 14% of breaches do not elicit any alert, meaning intruders are discovered long after the initial breach.
In today’s episode of “Breach Force”, we hear how our cyber adversaries are flocking to popular apps at peak traffic, see how some companies are experimenting with “data-analytics meshes” to boost threat detection, plus we get some safety tips for safe holiday traveling. (spoiler alert: turn off auto-connect)
In our top story, new research reveals that cybercriminals continue to evolve the sophistication of their attack methods, from tailored ransomware and custom coding for some attacks, to living-off-the-land or sharing infrastructure to maximize their opportunities.
Here some proof: 60% of threats…

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