Build a strong cyber resilience strategy with existing tools


Cyber resilience addresses the ability of an organization to respond to and recover from the effects of a cyber attack.

An effective cyber resilience strategy relies on several operational activities: business continuity (BC), disaster recovery (DR), incident response and cybersecurity plans. The goal is to ensure the organization can resume operations as soon as possible in the aftermath of a successful cyber attack.

In practice, the above elements usually exist in silos. A successful cyber resilience plan depends on understanding the interrelationships among these parts and how each component complements the functions of the others.

How to achieve cyber resilience

Cyber resilience is similar to business resilience — both attempt to help an organization adapt quickly as it responds to disruptive events. The components underpinning cyber resilience must first be understood before they can be managed, maintained and improved.

To achieve cyber resilience and build a strong cyber resilience strategy, organizations should do the following.

1. Get input

Ask senior leaders across the organization to define what cyber resilience means for them. Their input helps identify the most…

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