Build or Buy an Application to Run FAIR Cyber Risk Quantification?


We recently spoke with a potential buyer of RiskLens software and services that is already running a home-grown solution for cyber risk quantification based on Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR™) — with mixed results. A number of RiskLens customers started as do-it-yourselfers, and as the popularity of FAIR grows, we’re seeing more organizations taking a try-before-you-buy approach.

And that’s good. In fact, RiskLens makes available the FAIR-U application free of charge so anyone can try FAIR analysis on a very limited scale, for instance while taking a FAIR training class from the RiskLens Academy. We’re confident that seeing the benefits of cyber risk quantification will whet your appetite for other RiskLens products and solutions:

My Cyber Risk Benchmark

Get a quick quantitative read on your cyber risk, based on industry, organization size, location, and other factors. 

RiskLens Pro

An easy and affordable managed service that helps organizations quickly define, assess, and communicate cyber risks in financial terms with reporting by RiskLens risk consultants using the Enterprise Platform.

RiskLens Enterprise SaaS Platform

The Enterprise SaaS…

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