Building that cyber safety net in Wilhelmsen Ship Management


Hyper-connected systems that integrate human, physical and digital environments, carry risk of potential compromise. And one of the simplest ways to break a secure forcefield is human weakness.

Cyber security training for crew
Cyber security training for crew is a mandatory and high focus area to mitigate human error that may lead to cyber security breach. In WSM, we have established and enforced a cyber security policy, onboard cyber security awareness training, training videos and frequent periodic updates on cyber security measures.

Our training program comprises of the following elements:

• Raising the awareness of cyber security
• Kinds of threat that could breech cyber security and how it works
• Password policies to build a strong password
• What to avoid and look out for
• Preventive measure – best practices

The training is applicable to existing and new crew before on-boarding. Once on board they are presented with a list of do’s and don’ts as reminder of their training.

Besides training, we also launch campaigns on board to raise cyber security awareness with a core message that highlights cyber security is everyone’s…

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