Building the Business Case for Supply Chain Risk Management


Our webinar on October 9th is going to tackle a dilemma faced by many procurement executives and functions.

To put it in context, we’ve probably come to a point where pretty much every sentient senior procurement person understands how important supplier and supply chain risk is – to us as professionals, to our organisations, even to the wider economy and society.

Yet if you ask the same professionals whether they are happy with the status of risk management in their organisation, and whether enough and the right investment has been made, we would bet that a majority would say “no”. So, there is a bit of an issue there, we’d suggest.

One reason for that may be that the business case for supply chain risk management investment needs to be made convincingly and robustly to justify investment. There is a fundamental difficulty there, we’ve realised. Investments in sales and marketing, or new products, or acquisitions, are based on doing something that leads to very directly consequential sales or profit improvement.

On the other hand, investment in risk management is principally about stopping things from happening. While we can all accept and understand that bad things…
