Building the CASE for the Vehicle Security Operations Center


This post was written with contributions from IBM Security’s Rob Dyson, Preston Futrell and Brett Drummond.

Let’s explore a day in the life of a vehicle security operations center (VSOC). An autonomous vehicle is transporting passengers to their destination. Inside the vehicle, they are patiently waiting to arrive at their destination and, in the meantime, are texting friends, completing some work and listening to music. In the background, computer systems are working away to safely drive the vehicle, until their behavior deviates from normal and the systems begin to receive anomalous signals. The weather is fine and road conditions are typical — what is going on?

Immediately, the VSOC notices this anomaly and begins its investigation. This is a race against time for safety. The team identifies the cause and concludes it is an active cyberattack. Actions are taken to successfully maintain the secure state of the vehicle.

The passengers are safely transported to their destination, and all vehicles of that model receive an update to patch the vulnerability.

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