Butler professor and students work to promote Pandemic Risk Insurance Act


Butler professor, Zach Finn, advocates for legislation that will help coronavirus recovery. Photo courtesy of butler.edu.

JOE KRISKO | STAFF REPORTER | jkrisko@butler.edu 

While much of the world is focused on responding to the coronavirus pandemic, members of Butler’s risk management and insurance program have been working on how the world might recover from it. Zach Finn, a professor and director of the Davey Risk Management and Insurance Program at Butler, has been advocating for legislation that would utilize the insurance industry and the federal government to help in this recovery. 

Currently, most business interruption insurance policies do not cover pandemics like the coronavirus. Business interruption policies typically cover business losses related to events like fires or natural disasters. However, many of these policies have exclusions for pandemics because insurers cannot afford to make payouts to every customer all at the same time. 

“The reason why this business interruption isn’t generally insured is because it’s too catastrophic,” Finn said.

To solve this problem, Finn crafted, outlined and started lobbying for a Pandemic Risk Insurance Act….

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