C-Level Executives Should Stay Away From These 6 Cybersecurity Myths


in any organisation is entrusted with the responsibility of spearheading innovation, progress, and company direction. Additionally, C-level executives hold a greater responsibility in maintaining the security of their network. Hackers believe senior executives are the weakest link in an enterprise network, often falling prey to fraud and phishing scams. 

In the current digitally advanced era, it is imperative for senior executives to develop a solid foundation of security realities to ensure the organisation is prepared to detect and defend cyber threats at all times. However, certain myths around cybersecurity that c-level executives should consider seriously, which could prevent them from safeguarding the enterprise effectively. 

Here are six such myths and healthy workarounds that can help decision-makers defy them.

Myth 1: Security defences don’t have to be very expensive

A CEO and Board Risk Management Survey by Deloitte highlighted that 95% of CEOs believe their enterprises will face severe threats and disruptions to their growth prospects in the next couple of years — with disruptive technologies and cyber incidents…

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