C-Suite Involvement in Cybersecurity Is Little More Than Lip Service



No organization is immune to today’s looming cybersecurity threats. Whether a large enterprise or a small business, building proactive defenses is critical to day-to-day functions. It’s just as essential to manage cyber-risks as it is to manage other business risks, since successful attackers have the power to financially cripple businesses, damage reputation, and affect continuity.

Amid today’s rising threats — from ransomware and data breaches to the impact of geopolitical and nation-state threats — true cyber preparedness requires the right internal collaboration and tools to bolster business resilience. The responsibility for managing cyber-risk is a collective effort, and everyone plays a role — especially the C-suite.

A new report from ExtraHop found that while four in 10 US organizations look to their executive management team to help assess their cyber-risk exposure, only one-fifth feel there is a high level of involvement and commitment from the C-suite. This raises the question: Are industrywide claims of cybersecurity as a board-level discussion little more than lip service to stakeholders?

Lessons Learned From Previous Attacks

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