CAA launches aviation cyber-security assurance scheme


UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced its new ASSURE scheme developed in partnership with the Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers (CREST), the not-for-profit accreditation and certification body for the technical security industry.  

ASSURE is an accreditation scheme created by CAA in association with CREST to enable aviation organisations to procure accredited cyber security audit capabilities to audit their completed CAF for Aviation self-assessments.

The new scheme will improve CAA’s cyber-security oversight strategy, enabling the aviation industry – including airlines, airports and air navigation service providers – to manage their cyber-security risks without compromising aviation safety, security or resilience and to support the UK governments’ national cyber-security strategy.

CAA’s cyber-security oversight process for aviation outlines the organisation’s approach to cyber-security oversight, which includes: the CAF for aviation, ASSURE cyber-audit and incorporation of cyber-security oversight into existing CAA performance-based oversight processes.

The first set of specialist cyber-security third-party…

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