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Imagine if you needed to perform a risk assessment for a contract, project or the whole company and you had the luxury to sit down and chat with CFO about financial risks for hours. You could ask questions about everything the finance team does, the sources of funding, credit, liquidity, FX, insurance, taxes, financial controlling, accounting, valuation, depreciation and many other things. And you could have multiple meetings to really deep dive into risks. And then, imagine, you could have even more face to face time with the Head of Legal and Compliance, Head of ESG, Head of Procurement and Head of Operations. Days spent together, not hours, focusing solely on risk identification. The resulting risk assessment would be comprehensive and detailed. You would identify risks that no one though about , you would see risks from all different angles. Just think of whatever a perfect risk assessment looks like for you. I want you to have this mental picture in your mind.
Now, let’s come back to planet Earth. Everyone is busy, difficult to engage senior decision making for minutes, let alone hours, when talking about risks. If you lucky, you get to deep dive into some risks while others are completely forgotten. Risks assessments rarely have an Aha Moment, when risks are identified that were not common knowledge for the team. So risk managers compromise on either doing more higher level risk assessments to cover more ground or do very few selective deep dives.
Not any more. With our new multi-agent model you can perform risk assessment for every company, contract or project in minutes rather than hours or days.
- 100X Risk Assessments – Do more with the same risk team. Reduce risk assessment time from weeks to minutes. Perform AI-driven risk assessments for contracts, projects, portfolio companies. Massive savings for the company.
- 5X More Comprehensive – Never miss a critical risk factors. Our system evaluates your project or company from multiple angles, ensuring thorough coverage of all potential risk areas. Huge improvement in decision quality.
- Secure and Confidential – Your data is safe. All risk assessments are processed in a secure environment, with strict access controls and data protection measures in place.
This is not like asking ChatGPT to identify risks, a lot of research and fine tuning went into building the model. For example, I tested over 20 different risk identification techniques to identify the best-performing tools for AI environments, finding that some very unconventional methods actually significantly outperform those traditionally used by human risk teams. The results surpass the depth and quality of risk identification achieved through interviews, workshops, surveys, and self-assessments. Risk and control self assessments? Forget about them.
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It’s like having an extra 100 risk managers who perform detailed risk identification for all your contracts, projects and decisions.
It’s free for a limited time, so send me your feedback and comments to make it better.
And this is just the beginning, currently in development:
- Next, I will teach the model to prioritise risks and focus on the most critical ones.
- I will also work on functionality to deep dive into specific risks and research mitigations.
- And I will work on functionality to generate audience-based reports, a short summary for the Board or a actionable checklist for the Head of Compliance.