Canadian auto industry under-prepared for cyber security threats, study finds


Cyber SecurityAccording to the apmaIAC / KPMG Canadian automotive cyber preparedness report, the majority of Canadian auto part suppliers don’t recognize the security risks posed by connected vehicles and related information services. Many auto parts suppliers surveyed for the report feel their individual product offering is not technologically advanced enough to warrant embracing privacy and cyber safety in their operations.

Despite the fact that the number of automotive cybersecurity incidents has grown by 99% since 2018, the report finds that nearly half (49%) of the APMA members surveyed say they don’t have a designated person in charge of their cybersecurity strategy. It also stresses that such cyber threats extend to the manufacturers’ operations themselves, in that 30% of organizations surveyed said they have experienced a breach in the last 12 months.

“Cyber has many faces in today’s automotive industry and pose significant risks if left unchecked,” says APMA president, Flavio Volpe. “The reality is that now, more than at any other time in manufacturing, companies must safeguard their products, operations, and systems no matter the type of…

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