Carnegie Endowment and Swift Institute release cybersecurity toolbo…


The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace today released “Cyber Resilience and Financial Organizations: A Capacity-building Tool Box” in partnership with the SWIFT Institute, the original sponsor, the IMF, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), Standard Chartered, the Cyber Readiness Institute, and the Global Cyber Alliance.

Consisting of six easy-to-use one-page guides and checklists that provide senior management with actionable measures to improve their organization’s cyber security, the tool box exists in seven languages and is based on existing frameworks, policies, and standards from around the globe.

“The guides are designed to be practical, actionable, and easy-to-use to maximize their benefit and impact on financial institutions’ cyber resilience”, according to Tim Maurer, Co-director of Carnegie’s Cyber Policy Initiative. “When used properly, these tools will prevent dangerous hacks to financial systems across the world.”

Karel De Kneef, Chief Security Officer, SWIFT said: “A global and collaborative approach to the cyber threat is absolutely key, which is why the development of this…

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