CFO Views On Attack Surface Management


As organizations continue to navigate the complexities of digital transformation, the attack surface has grown exponentially, making attack surface management an increasingly important priority for managing risk.

The stakes are high, with cyberattacks growing in frequency and sophistication, and the financial toll on businesses reaching unprecedented levels. In this article, we will explore the critical importance of attack surface management from the perspective of chief financial officers (CFOs) and financial risk management.

Attack Surface Management for CFOs

Attack surface management (ASM) is a comprehensive cybersecurity approach that involves mapping and analyzing all potential points of entry for malicious actors into an organization’s IT ecosystem. By gaining an in-depth understanding of their attack surface, companies can develop a robust defense strategy that minimizes exposure to cyber threats.

ASM involves identifying known and unknown assets, detecting vulnerabilities, and remediating risks to prevent attacks – important practices that can help CFOs reduce organizational risk.

Financial Services Sector’s Vulnerability to Cyber Threats

The financial…

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