Chief Enterprise Intelligence Officer: Necessary Addition to the C-Suite?


CEIOs can provide a level of intelligence to cybersecurity that currently isn’t there

Historically, C-level executives haven’t been involved in their organization’s cybersecurity efforts. Even now, with the number of high-profile data breaches, the rise of DDoS and ransomware attacks, and threats of fines for not meeting privacy compliances, the C-suite continues to be estranged from cybersecurity. A recent study from Deloitte found that just 38 percent of executives, as well as only 23 percent of board members, are “highly engaged” in their company’s cybersecurity.

This number is even more surprising when that same survey revealed nearly all of those surveyed, 96 percent, said they expect their company will fall victim to a cyberattack in the next couple of years. Yet, they are doing little to update their security systems to meet the evolving threat landscape.

Why such a disconnect? C-suites understand cybersecurity is important, but they don’t know where to start, said Paul Kurtz, former White House National Security Advisor and CEO of threat intelligence platform TruSTAR. “Executives who make decisions about business risk management are having a hard time…

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