City auditor prepares to release audit on Animal Services Division | Local News


An internal audit being conducted on the Killeen Animal Service Division should be available in early October, according to the city auditor.

“I can’t give you specifics about the findings yet, but I will tell you that it is near completion,” City Auditor Matthew Grady said. “I had hoped to get it out by the end of (September), but it will probably be up shortly thereafter.”

Grady said the Animal Services Division audit first got on his radar soon after the fiscal year 2018 budget was approved in October 2017.

The budget put forth by animal services called for staffing cuts, and Grady said objections raised at the time by animal advocates in the city led him to start looking into running an audit on the division.

He said he originally planned to perform an audit on the red light traffic cameras in the city, but after the city discontinued the program, he was able to focus on the animal division.

“With the firing of Ed Tucker (the previous Animal Services director), it’s always a good time for any audit to go in during a change of management, because that is…
