City of Columbus Undergoes Internal Audit of Finance Department


Summary: An internal audit conducted the Columbus City Council revealed discrepancies and uncollected funds in the finance department. While the auditor reported uncollected checks dating back to 2006, the Director of Finance disputes the amount and claims that all transactions have been properly documented.

In a recent internal audit conducted the Columbus City Council, the finance department has come under scrutiny. The findings of the audit, conducted over a five-month period, revealed several issues, including uncollected checks and inaccurate accounting.

According to the internal auditor, Donna McGinnis, there were multiple checks from business owners attempting to renew their licenses that were never deposited in the bank. Surprisingly, one of these checks dated all the way back to 2006. McGinnis stated that the majority of these checks were stale, causing concerns about the handling of financial transactions within the department.

The audit also uncovered uncollected funds amounting to $45.1 million. However, the Director of Finance, Angelica Alexander, disputed this figure. Alexander claimed that the amount was inaccurate and stated that only $2.5 million could be considered…
