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Home Cyber Risks City of Knoxville ransomware attack: What we know

City of Knoxville ransomware attack: What we know


While the world is focused on battling the coronavirus, cyber attacks have increased in the healthcare field and for individuals. Veuer’s Justin Kircher has the story.


The city of Knoxville’s government website was briefly offline Thursday following a ransomware attack on the city’s computer servers.

The city’s online services remained unavailable Friday as officials worked to uncover the full scope of the attack’s impact and how to recover from it.

Here’s what we know so far:

How did this happen?

City officials speculated the attack, which was discovered early Thursday, was launched through a phishing email mistakenly opened by a city employee.

The source of the attack remains unknown.

What is the impact?

Online services remain unavailable, according to a notice on the city’s homepage Friday morning.

The Knoxville Police Department also announced Thursday afternoon that officers are unable to respond to traffic crashes, unless they involve an injury or a disabled vehicle blocking a roadway.

Motorists are being advised to contact their insurance provider for a crash report.

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