City of Somerset receives clean audit | Local News


The city of Somerset received a clean audit at Monday’s city council meeting.

Heather Cochran, partner with auditing firm RFH CPAs, gave the council the news, pointing out the independent auditor’s report, internal control and compliance report, and management communication letter showed no weaknesses or issues.

Speaking on the non-findings in the independent auditor’s report, Cochran said “That in the auditing world is as good as it gets. That is what we call a clean opinion.”

She noted that the city has paid in 100 percent of what is required for the County Employees Retirement System, something that Somerset Chief Financial Officer Mike Broyles highlighted.

“We do have to pay that in monthly, … so it does get paid timely and, as she pointed out, we do pay all in,” Broyles said.

Broyles also informed the council and the public that an electronic copy of the audit report will be available soon on the website, or a hard copy should be available through the City Clerk’s Office.

During the report, Cochran ran over several of the city’s financial numbers, saying that for the…
