Claroty’s Team82 highlights OT cybersecurity risks due to excessive remote access tools


New research by Claroty’s Team82 revealed that 55 percent of OT (operational technology) environments utilize four or more remote access tools, increasing the attack surface and operational complexity and providing varying degrees of security. Additionally, the study found that organizations aiming to boost efficiency in OT are inadvertently creating significant cybersecurity risks and operational challenges. Such exposures pose a significant threat to companies and are compounded by excessive demands for remote access from employees, as well as third parties such as vendors, suppliers, and technology partners. 

Team82’s research also found that a staggering 79 percent of organizations have more than two non-enterprise-grade tools installed on OT network devices, creating risky exposures and additional operational costs. These tools lack basic privileged access management capabilities such as session recording, auditing, role-based access controls, and even basic security features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA). The consequence of utilizing these types of tools is increased, high-risk exposures and additional operational costs from managing a multitude of…

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