Class takes the lead in cyber security

Class takes the lead in cyber security
Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen (DNV GL): Cyber secure class notations offer ship operators a framework to improve and demonstrate their cyber resilience

Classification societies are providing industry leadership in tackling the cyber risks threatening shipping businesses on a regular basis.

DNV GL has released its first class notations to help shipowners and operators protect their assets from cyber risks. These will be included on the DNV GL rules page on 1 July 2018.

The cyber secure class notations “offer owners and operators a framework to improve and demonstrate their cyber resilience” said DNV GL maritime chief executive officer Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen.

He explained that ship machinery, bridge systems and programmable control systems are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. “Increasing integration and connectivity of these systems represents an ever-larger target for cyber security threats,” he added, during the Posidonia exhibition in Athens, Greece.

During Posidonia, ABS demonstrated its cyber risk initiative which includes methods of identifying and quantifying risks. Its cyber security experts explained how ship operators can educate and train seafarers to…

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