Client-Side Security: A Win, Win, Win in Cyber Security Risk Mitigation 


By Source Defense

Cyber security is about risk mitigation. With headlines about ransomware attacks dominating media headlines over the past couple of years – and over the past few days – it makes sense that a majority of our recent focus as an industry has been on protecting against those attacks. That said, we all know that there are a myriad of different ways our adversaries can hurt our organizations, and we can’t lose sight of the broader need to shore up our defenses just because the headlines sway one direction.

Client-side attacks like digital skimming, formjacking, Magecart, etc. were dominating headlines before the ransomware scourge. These attacks haven’t gone away despite the lack of media focus, and are actually on the rise. These attacks lead to customer data loss, damaged business reputation, and compliance and regulatory nightmares for those companies that fail to recognize that the web attack surface has moved beyond the server to the client-side (the browser). 

For as long as I can remember, we’ve focused on shoring up protections for data in transit and at rest. We’ve made significant advancements, and as a result, cybercriminals have…

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