Cloud-native app protection platforms: what they are and what they bring to the table


Global spending on cloud security products continues to surge year after year, as organizations see the value of moving business-critical systems and data to the cloud. However, the rush to be ‘cloud-first’ has saddled many organizations with a disconnected hodgepodge of cloud security tools that produce almost as many problems as they solve – including a splintered view of the attack surface, excessive maintenance and administrative overhead, and information silos that undermine effective DevSecOps practices.

That’s where cloud-native app protection platforms come in.

What are cloud-native app protection platforms?

A cloud-native app protection platform, or CNAPP, brings together a varied set of tools into one convenient location. More specifically, it combines a full proprietary suite of cloud security tools into one software solution, making them accessible through a single user interface and shared source of truth.

By doing so, a CNAPP largely eliminates the hassle involved in drawing insights manually from an army of disparate point-solution products.

Who is a CNAPP for?

More organizations are going beyond ‘lift-and-shift’ and adopting a cloud-native approach that…

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