Cloud Security Alliance announces new zero-trust security credential


The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) raised the curtain Wednesday on a new credential and training materials to enable security professionals to build the knowledge they will need to implement and manage a zero-trust strategy in their organizations. “From industrial control systems to cloud computing to generative AI, the world of pervasive technology has outraced legacy security models,” CSA co-founder and CEO Jim Reavis said in a statement. “Zero-trust ‘never trust, always verify’ principles are clearly the path forward,” he continued, “and we anticipate virtually all organizations to apply this strategy to diverse technological environments in order to protect strategic assets and prevent breaches.”

According to the CSA, the new Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust (CCZT) will provide its holder with an in-depth understanding of zero trust architecture, its components, and its functioning. It also includes foundational zero-trust best practices released by leading authoritative sources such as CISA and NIST, innovative work around the software-defined perimeter (SDP) by CSA Research, and guidance from zero-trust experts such as John Kindervag, founder of…

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