Comparing the draft IIA Standards and the Core Principles for Effective Internal Audit

> Risk > Comparing the draft IIA Standards and the Core Principles for Effective Internal Audit

Comparing the draft IIA Standards and the Core Principles for Effective Internal Audit

One of the points I made in my review of the draft was that it is not consistent with the Core Principles for Effective Internal Auditing.

I have asked whether the principles on which the draft is based are the right principles.

Here is a comparison. My apologies for the formatting with lots of unnecessary white space (a defect in the editor).

Current Core Principles and my comments Principles in Draft Standards
Demonstrates integrity.

This is in the draft.

Principle 1 Demonstrate Integrity

Internal auditors demonstrate integrity in their work and behavior.

Demonstrates competence and due professional care.

This has been divided.

Principle 3 Demonstrate Competency

Internal auditors apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities to fulfill their roles and responsibilities successfully.

Principle 4 Exercise Due Professional Care

Internal auditors apply due professional care in planning and performing internal audit services.

Principle 5 Maintain Confidentiality

Internal auditors use and protect information appropriately.

Is objective and free from undue influence (independent)

This one has been divided…


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