Causes and consequences for the bow-tie diagram are normally derived from the regulations as well as through consultation with risk owners and subject matter experts.
Common consequence scenarios for compliance risks (just a quick example, there is more) include:
Risk area
Examples of consequence scenarios
Licensed activities and subsoil use
The need to re-obtain a license
Redemption of rights from other owners of the object
Fines for operating without the license
Environmental management (ecology)
Administrative fines
3rd party claims
Production halt or stop
Criminal prosecution or management disqualification
Sanctions compliance
Fines as a proportion of revenue
Restrictions on existing or potential markets
Restrictions on capital markets and ability to refinance existing loans
Restrictions on the use of foreign technology or equipment
Losing control over overseas assets
Anti-monopoly compliance
Fines up to 2% of revenue
Tax compliance
Administrative fines
Additional taxes to be paid
Fire supervision, emergency protection
Administrative fines
3rd party claims
Production halt or stop
Criminal prosecution or management disqualification
Labor and industrial safety
Administrative fines
3rd party claims
Production halt or stop
Criminal prosecution or management disqualification
Covenant compliance
Repayment of existing loans
Increase in financing costs
Difficulty in refinancing
Economic and information security, state secret
Administrative fines
Criminal prosecution or management disqualification
Land and property relations
Administrative fines
3rd party claims
Production halt or stop
Criminal prosecution or management disqualification
Construction and reconstruction of hazardous facilities
Administrative fines
3rd party claims
Production halt or stop
Criminal prosecution or management disqualification
Physical security of production facilities and vehicles
Administrative fines
Criminal prosecution or management disqualification
An example for a bow-tie for a typical compliance risk is presented below:
Where, V – means several events can occur at the same time, and XOR means the variability of either one event or the other. For example, fines can be either for three days of water pollution (small), or for a year (moderate) or three years (large), and criminal prosecution and termination of business can occur simultaneously.
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