Comprehensive Coverage for Real Estate


“Over one billion IoT devices and sensors will be installed in commercial buildings by the end of 2018. So called “smart buildings” offer enormous safety and productivity benefits, but also come with new security risks,” said Joshua Motta, Founder & CEO of Coalition. “As buildings are transformed into enormous computer systems, it is no longer inconceivable that cyber criminals could gain access to and control HVAC, sprinkler, and refrigeration systems, or other mechanical processes. If not properly protected, unauthorized access of these systems could expose building owners and their occupants to risks of data breach, bodily harm, property damage, and even pollution. With Coalition for Real Estate, we’ve specifically addressed these new exposures.”

Offered with the financial strength of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions and Argo Group, Coalition provides a full suite of cyber security apps and up to US$10 million of comprehensive cyber insurance coverage to businesses across the real estate industry.

Features of Coalition for…

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