Confessions of a Young Mom and Compliance Professional


Margarita Derelanko shares the wisdom she’s found on succeeding in compliance, albeit from an unlikely source: her experience with motherhood. Here, Margarita offers guidance relevant to parents and compliance pros alike, from offering choices to handling tantrums.


I have a confession to make. About five years ago, I thought to myself: get a health care compliance graduate certificate, obtain CHC and employment in a compliance role (preferably, before the certificate program is finished) and boom, I can do health care compliance. The same thinking developed when my husband and I decided to start a family in 2016. We read parenting blogs, books, attended baby classes and seminars, bought a baby app (actually, a series of baby apps) and were content in all of our efforts toward becoming perfect, well-prepared parents. That was just the beginning of our journeys.


Looking back, I am convinced that our family and I needed the awakening that life “by the book” is not achievable and that a compliance profession “by the book” may not be realistic, effective or rewarding. Today, I want to share some of my observations from the perspective of a 30-year-old mom whose experiences as a parent shaped her into a better compliance practitioner (and vice versa) and from the perspective that…
