Considering RiskLens? We Offer Customized Pilots as Proof of Value (PoV) Engagements


Like other CISOs, CROs and CFOs, you’re feeling the pressure to wring every bit of value out of your cybersecurity budget and even cut spending that you can’t justify for a return on investment. You’ve heard about the FAIR™ standard for quantifying cyber risk in financial terms and the RiskLens enterprise platform for analyzing and managing cyber risk built on FAIR. 

Now you want to know what quantitative cyber risk management could do for you – and could your organization accept and handle it — before going forward. We are ready for you with options for proof of value (PoV) engagements and pilots that meet your needs at any level.

Let’s discuss how RiskLens can demonstrate value for your organization. Contact us now.

Before selecting a pilot or proof of value (sometimes called proof of concept) engagement, we’ve found that it’s critical to take a step back and ask yourself a few questions:

  • What are the goals of your cyber risk management program?

  • What strategic digital growth initiatives does it support?

  • What kind of prioritization or investment justification decisions should it support?

  • What does this PoV need to…

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