Context Information Security: Is your supply chain a security risk? | SCM


Although your businesses will already have put in place measures to increase protection from growing cyber security risks, the next step is to think about your supply chain and whether the organisations that support you pose an acceptable risk or a weak link. Much like how you would be reticent to do business with an organisation with a bad financial credit rating, cyber supply chain risks should be seen in a similar light and It is important that you understand the threat to your business.

There are two main ways in which the poor cyber security of your supply chain can have a direct impact on your organisation:

  1. If one of your suppliers is unable to provide you with the goods or services you rely on to operate your business due to them falling foul of a cyber-attack, then this could potentially damage your output and reputation, particularly when bearing in mind just-in-time logistics or critical services. This is a risk you would want to avoid, or at the very least minimise and go with a supplier who has insulated themselves against cyber-attacks.

  2. Your supply chain may be used as a backdoor to gain access to your network. You may ask why your supply chain should be any…

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