Converged security takes centre stage at IFSEC


In a digital era, combining physical and cyber intelligence is key to overcoming modern security management challenges, according to a panel of industry experts.

“Change is the only constant, and the way to deal with that is by converging physical and cyber security, which have operated in separate silos in the past,” said Sarb Sembhi, certified information security manager (CISM) and CISO at Virtually Informed.

“To cope with the constant changes in the world around us, we need bring physical and logical security together in a single security operations centre [SOC] to provide a single view,” he told attendees of the IFSEC International Conference in London.

One of the key drivers of the need for converged security, said Sembhi, is the fact that the base technology used for CCTV, heating, lighting, air-conditioning and fire alarm systems, for example, is essentially the same.

“The only thing that differs is the sensors used to feed into those systems, but the underlying technology is the same and it is typically full of vulnerabilities that makes it easy to hack.”

Another driver for the need for physical and cyber security professionals to work together, said…

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