Converting digital risk into opportunity in the COVID-19 era

  • By 2026, almost 26% of the world’s GDP could be based on internet-based and digitally-connected industries.
  • Seizing digital opportunities begins with an understanding of digital risk; at a minimum, companies need to understand their total exposure.
  • Following key principles of digital risk management will separate the companies that will thrive in the digital age from those that will not.

The COVID-19 pandemic is generating monumental challenges for most governments, corporations and societies, both online and off. There is a very high probability that we’ll look back on 2020 and 2021 in much the same way as we did during the aftermath of World War II, itself another era of profound international transformation. One thing is for certain: there is zero probability that we are returning to the ‘old normal’.

Within months, the virus disrupted systems that many take for granted – from international air travel and easy movement across borders, to access to goods and services and just-in-time supply chains that power trade. We are seeing patterns of commerce and exchange being radically fragmented and reordered. For many people…

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