Corn starch manufacturers participate in risk management course | 2018-09-14


MANHATTAN, KANSAS, U.S. — Grain industry professionals, including corn starch manufacturers, are constantly increasing their knowledge of markets and trade to increase buyer experiences. The IGP Institute and the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) partnered to hold a customized course for the USGC trade team in Kansas City, Missouri, U.S. Carlos Campabadal, IGP Institute feed manufacturing and grain quality management curriculum manager, and Jay O’Neil, O’Neil Commodity Consulting and retired IGP Institute senior economist, co-taught the course.

The course’s focus was to teach Indonesian corn starch manufacturers how to purchase U.S. corn. The course included lectures on U.S. grain export systems and quality analysis, an introduction to Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) futures market and an introduction to hedging among other topics. Throughout the day participants listened to lectures and engaged in discussions.

“We often discuss quality, quantity and availability when promoting the U.S. advantage,” said Caleb Wurth, assistant regional director of Southeast Asia-U.S. Grains Council. “However, the support, education and transparency we provide through the courses and other trade missions…
