Coronavirus face masks: Dark web drug dealers rush to meet demand | Science & Tech News


Cyber criminals are now selling potentially counterfeit surgical face masks on dark web marketplaces in a rush to exploit the supply shortage resulting from the outbreak in China.

The face mask listings were detected by risk management company Digital Shadows on English-language marketplace Empire, which is known for selling illegal drugs and hacking equipment.

Pictures featured in the listings show plain masks without the advanced respirators capable of filtering small virus particles, although it isn’t clear whether these images are legitimate.

Coronavirus masks listed for sale on the dark web. Pic: Digital Shadows

The disease caused by the coronavirus, COVID-19, has now infected more than 156,000 people worldwide, driving demand for normal surgical face masks despite the lack of evidence they prevent transmission.

Digital Shadows identified a number of criminal enterprises attempting to exploit this demand, including on dark web marketplaces which are specifically referencing COVID-19 to market their goods.

One listing offers to sell boxes of 2,000…

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