COVID-19 Highlights the Need for Smart Building Cybersecurity

Noelle Brisson FRICS

As firms across the globe strive to ensure business continuity and employee safety through remote working, they are increasingly relying on digital communications and conferencing technology to hold meetings and events. Similarly, companies are relying heavily on a variety of shared drives, programs and IoTs that enable remote workers to maintain workflow and project control.

In many cases, companies already have existing work-from-home and remote policies as an employee benefit, a collaboration empowerment tool or as an alternative to minimize the need for travel. These strategies are often part of larger sustainability frameworks, but whether a company is expanding on an existing set of remote policies or quickly adjusting to a new way of working, this rapidly increased reliance on remote access, communication and file-sharing is shining a light on an oft-overlooked aspect of these sustainability and health and well-being initiatives: cybersecurity.

This issue of cybersecurity is exacerbated by the rise of smart buildings. Smart buildings, to be sure, are overwhelmingly a positive trend for the commercial real estate industry and the public….

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