Crisis management: ensuring resilience in an ever-changing threat landscape


Risk has always been an everyday part of doing business, however, over the years, the sources of risk have changed and multiplied significantly. Much of that is down to the role that technology and data play in underpinning every aspect of modern business, and in more and more cases, providing the service or product that a business is built upon. When hit by a disruption in service, loss of data, extreme weather or malicious outside threats, the chaos that result can be devastating to operations, reputation and even a company’s future. 

A recent report has also shown that in 2018, almost nine out of ten UK businesses experienced a cybersecurity breach of some form, with a number of companies witnessing an increase in the frequency of cyber-attacks. While cyber-attacks range in severity, all have the potential to cause damage. Thanks to social media, end-users have become empowered to express their frustrations with service outages on a wide public platform. Strong leadership is more important now than ever to ensure resilience during a crisis. A business is only as resilient as its leaders; those who are prepared to respond in a crisis and instil confidence in a business’…

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