Critical infrastructure under relentless cyber attack


At least one cyber attack in the past two years resulted in downtime at half of organisations relying on operational technology (OT), including critical national infrastructure providers, a survey has revealed.

In the same period, 45% of respondents said they had experienced an attack that involved OT or internet connected devices (internet of things), according to the Cybersecurity in operational technology report by the Ponemon Institute, sponsored by security firm Tenable.

The report said 37% reported a “significant disruption” to business processes caused by malware, 33% reported a cyber attack caused “significant downtime”, 23% reported that they had been hit by nation state attacks and 60% said disruptive cyber attacks are among the threats they are most worried about.

“Nation-state attacks are especially concerning in the OT sector because they’re typically conducted by well-funded, highly capable cyber criminals and are aimed at critical infrastructure,” the report said.

The report is based on the analyses of responses from 701 representatives of the US, UK, Germany, Australia, Mexico and Japan working in industries that rely on industrial control…

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