Critical Start: 86% of cyber professionals fear unknown cyber risks over known threats


Critical Start published its second annual Critical Start Cyber Risk Landscape Peer Report, which examines why cyber risk mitigation continues to be a challenge for organizations. The study, conducted in partnership with research consultancy Censuswide, uncovered that 86% of respondents believe unknown organizational cyber risks are currently a top concern. This is an increase of 17% compared to last year, signifying a need to advance proactive cyber risk management practices in addition to threat-based detection and response within security programs.

Today’s increasingly complex and pervasive cyber threat landscape requires businesses to implement more robust and proactive cybersecurity measures, yet concern around lack of company alignment and visibility persist. Critical Start’s report found that 66% of businesses report limited visibility and insight into their cyber risk profiles, and 65% of executives expressed concerns over misalignment between cybersecurity investments and the organization’s risk reduction priorities. These findings are comparable to last year’s, 66% and 61% respectively, indicating that organization’s cyber risk management protocols haven’t…

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