Crop Insurance, Risk Management: The Buck Stops Here | Southern Edition


BOWIE, Md. — The 15th annual Crop Insurance Workshop, sponsored by the University of Maryland Extension, was held in Bowie on Sept. 13.

The workshop featured the topics “Introducing New Crop Insurance Products to Maryland,” the “2018 Farm Bill and Trade Update” and the “USDA’s Farm Bill Principles and Crop Insurance Priorities.”

These presentations were designed to inform those who help farmers in Maryland effectively manage their risks. In a 2018 survey of risk management issues of concern to Maryland’s farmers, 336 farmers responded, many of whom had over 30 years of experience on farms of between 101-500 acres, according to the Extension which conducted the survey.

Less than 4 percent of farmers surveyed said they did not apply risk management, while almost 41 percent manage their risks to a high degree. The majority of crop insurance policies were for revenue protection or yield protection. And, the educational programs on risk management for farms are considered “important” or “very important” by over 66 percent of the farmers surveyed.

According to the same survey,…
