CT city auditors send ‘scathing’ report over uncashed check


The Internal Audit Commission presented a “scathing” report to the city’s Department of Development Services, including over the handling of a $30,000 check that sat for “months before being sent to the Treasury department for deposit.”

The Hartford commission is an oversight group, to whom the auditors report, and it sent the document titled “Special Review, Development Services, Community Benefits Program Related to Tax Abatements” to Interim Director of Development Services Randal P. Davis. The Courant obtained a copy of the memorandum.

There were four bullet points presented to the Department of Developmental Services, with the second one listed referring to the check that was left and not sent to the treasury department for several months.

“There have been no written procedures related to the receipt, safeguarding and submittance to the Treasury Department for receipts from developers since its inception back in 2021. It was brought to Internal Audit’s attention that a $30,000 check received from a developer in April 2023 was held in a safe in DDS for about six months before being sent to the Treasury department for deposit. Prior management had not documented written…
