CultureAI announces $10m Series A funding round for emerging field of human risk management — Retail Technology Innovation Hub


James Moore, Founder and CEO at CultureAI says: “Imagine having a team of thousands who deeply understand your business and its employees.”

“If this team could review, understand, and fix risks generated by each employee at source, breaches could be reduced by around 80%. While it’s impractical to build such a team, we can emulate its effectiveness using intelligent technology.”

“Addressing human risk is crucial for cyber security. Every day, one in four employees create cyber risks as they go about their jobs, from reusing passwords across shadow SaaS apps to oversharing intellectual property with AI tools.”

“We’re all human and make mistakes. However just doing more security awareness training won’t solve this – we can’t out-train human error. That’s why we’re focused on creating a platform which detects and automatically fixes the full spectrum of workforce cyber risks through interventions and nudges.”

Adam Lovell, Investor at Mercia Ventures, comments: “CultureAI is at the forefront of developments in the emerging field of human risk management.”

“With a deep understanding of the challenges that companies face, James and his team have developed a…

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