Cyber attacks a growing concern for energy industry


A recent survey from Marsh, a global leader in insurance broking and innovative risk management solutions, suggests that energy executives are increasingly concerned about the impact of cyber-attacks on their operations.

Over three-quarters (76%) of respondents to the survey cited business interruption (BI) as the most concerning consequence of a cyber-attack for the energy industry.

The report, entitled ‘Could Energy Industry Dynamics Be Creating an Impending Cyber Storm’, looks at the most concerning cyber loss scenarios for energy executives, the industry’s understanding of cyber exposures, and how organisations plan to manage these risks in the future.

Key findings of the report include the following:

  • Despite more than half of energy executives naming cyber as a top-five risk, 54% of energy executives have not quantified or did not know what their worst possible loss exposures could be.
  • 26% of energy executives surveyed said they were aware that their company had been victim to a successful cyber-attack in the past 12 months.
  • The energy industry plans to invest more in cyber risk management, with 77% of energy executives surveyed saying…

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