Cyber awareness of UK boards found wanting


Many top UK boards still do not understand the impact of a cyber attack on their business, the latest government Cyber Governance Health Check reveals.

Fewer than one in five boards can claim to understand the impact of loss or disruption associated with cyber threats, despite 96% having a cyber security strategy in place.

The report on the approach the UK’s FTSE 350 companies take to cyber security also reveals that even though 95% have cyber incident plans in place, only around half (57%) actually test them on a regular basis.

Digital minister Margot James said that while world-leading companies are well aware of the risks, more needs to be done by boards to make sure that they do not fall victim to a cyber attack.

“This report shows we still have a long way to go, but I am also encouraged to see some improvements are being made.

“Cyber security should never be an add-on for businesses and I would urge all executives to work with the National Cyber Security Centre [NCSC] and take up the government’s advice and training that’s available,” she said.

Improvements highlighted in the latest report for 2018 include the fact that awareness of the threat of cyber…

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