Cyber criminals targeting agribusiness | World Grain


KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, US — Agribusiness is increasingly incorporating internet-enabled technologies and data-driven solutions into farm production, food processing, supplier industries, logistics, client communications and sales marketing. Farming operations that have adopted precision farming are even more dependent on advanced technology to carry out their day-to-day business.

Improving internet access is making it easier for agriculture businesses to adopt efficiencies and reduce costs through enhanced technology, but it also widens the cyber-attack surface and threat landscape. 

As the industry utilizes cloud-based storage for large data sets, open-sourced or cloud-based software and corporate management of proprietary software, there will be more opportunities for data access and malicious activity by unauthorized users.

Agriculture is now more vulnerable than ever to phishing campaigns that house malicious links and attachments; ransomware that leads to lost revenue and business disruption; exposure of confidential data; and even data integrity issues due to negligent security. 

Ransomware’s costly impact

  • In 2020 and 2021 there were several major cyber incidents that…

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