Cyber Resilience: From Third-Party to Cyber Risk Management | Mitratech Holdings, Inc


[Author: Javier Gutierrez] 

It is safe to say that Board members, CEOs and other key decision-makers everywhere, recognize the significance of cyber risk management and the heavy investment that initiatives in this field represent.

Cyber risks in the shape of ransomware, phishing, malware and many other threats are something organizations need to be prepared for. Cyber risk management oftentimes is viewed as a complex, challenging, and highly technical issue to stir away from. Avoiding to address this GRC use case and failing to invest in it is a critical mistake for any organization.

UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022

The UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey is a yearly, in depth, research study of cyber resilience in the UK. This study is mainly used to inform organizations of cyber security government policy and aligning organizations with the UK’s national cyber strategy in order to ensure secure business activity.

The survey is worthy of further reading if only to realize how many companies are wrestling with the same issues, almost regardless of size or sector. Sure, it focuses on the UK market, but the reality in this country is…

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