Cyber Resilience is Critical as Risks to Business Keep Growing


The digital transformation trend was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing businesses to rapidly switch to new ways of working and confront an expanding landscape of cyber threats. We spoke with Prentiss Donohue, Executive Vice President of SMB and Consumer Sales at OpenText, about what this means for the future of business, especially in terms of security and cyber resilience.

How has 2020 changed the need for cyber resilience?

We have become even more dependent on technology to work, to send our kids to school, order supplies for our home, and stay connected to other human beings. With that dependence on technology comes vulnerability. We are more vulnerable than we have ever been. We have increased the surface area the bad guys can go after, and we have never needed to be more resilient than we need to be right now.

What does it mean to be resilient in this way?

When you hear the term cyber resilience, we mean the ability to bounce back from an adverse event and get back to running your business or getting your kids back to school, or really getting your home life and your work life back up and running as seamlessly and as effortlessly as…

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